la dance

Blue13’s Flip the Script Interview Series on IG

Join us in our new weekly Instagram Interview Series, Flip the Script. The Concept: Blue13er interviews an artist and at the 15 minute mark, “flip” places so the interviewee becomes the interviewer. This will evolve, we hope, into a multitude of artists and arts supporters/professionals chatting in an informal setting, to foster communication and curiosity, and to provide the public with a glimpse into our minds and hearts when we aren’t in a pretty package on stage.

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4 Performances by Blue13 for Western Arts Alliance

Blue13 will perform in three independent showcases for the Western Arts Alliance conference in Los Angeles, August 29th-31st.

LA DanceFest Monday August 29th, 9pm at Downtown Dance & Movement, just a few blocks from J.W. Marriott.  Greeters will be in the lobby to walk with presenters to the performance venue.  Open to WAA attendees only.
Also performing: BrokusRED, Anais Dance Opera, Down Around Brown Town, and more.  Food, Drinks, Merriment included! CLICK FOR CALENDAR LISTING.

Downtown Dance Showcase Tuesday August 30th, 8:30pm & 9:30pm at Downtown Dance & Movement, blocks from J.W. Marriott.  Greeters will be in the lobby to walk with presenters to the performance venue.  Free and open to the public, though WAA attendees will take seating preference.
Also performing: LACDC, Ate9, Jacob Jonas Company.  CLICK FOR CALENDAR LISTING.

DRC Homegrown Wednesday August 31st, 8:58pm at Los Angeles Theater Center.
Transportation: Shuttle buses will be available from REDCAT, after the Juried Showcase, as well as from the J.W. Marriott Hotel. Other options: Uber, discount code (up to $22) for first-time riders is Feeling22; by foot from the hotel is about a 30min. walk via W Olympic and S Spring Street; by car from the hotel is about a 9min. drive. FREE badged WAA attendees, $15 public, $10 DRC members. CLICK FOR CALENDAR LISTING.
Also performing: Helios, Pony Box, Antics, Versa Style, Troupe Vertigo Circus and more.

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